Sunday 29 April 2018

Meet the author (Joe Pranaitis - Infinite Stars:: Chronicles & Shatter Time anthology)

It is great to be able to share your thoughts, and to get an insight into other folks, my own interest is that of Time Travel so I have been searching the Internet, sending out invitations to authors and I would like to thank today's chosen author for their reply. To read more contributions from authors click on Meet the Time Travel authors

Today we read about 

Joe Pranaitis


How and why I got into writing started when I was a kid and I had drawn comic strips then later in high school my art teacher gave me a special assignment for two semesters which was to write and draw my own comic book (She had seen me read ST:TNG comics in class) But my writing didn't start to get refined until the summer between high School and college when I adapted those two comics into a trilogy of which my first book Infinite Stars: Chronicles Book One has the opening story and I have been filling in the bits and peaces since then.

Out of all of my books it's hard to say which one I enjoyed writing the most and I have volumes that are yet to be published but now that I'm working with createspace they will be out but one per year.

As for who inspired me, that would be Diane Carey who wrote the star trek book Final Frontier which deals with the launch of the original Enterprise under her first captain Robert April. Plus I've also been inspired my the series Babylon 5 of which I've applied the arc story method to my books. 

My thoughts on TIME TRAVEL, well considering that I've been writing a temporal war with my Kindle Worlds stories set in the Chronos Files universes  I would say that it would be something that I wouldn't mind trying at least once plus it's a good story method too.

click the link below for the full range of Joes' work

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